Everything is energy in motion.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Nothing rests;
everything moves;
everything vibrates.
-The Kybalion
Nothing ever is,
but it is always becoming.
Change will not be shackled
-The Oculatum
Change begets change.
Nothing propagates so fast.
-Charles Dickens
All is flux, nothing stands still.
Nothing endures but change.
Change is the only constant.
Change is the law of life.
-John F. Kennedy
Look abroad, through Nature's range,
Nature's mighty law is change.
-Robert Burns
Change is not merely necessary to life,
it is life.
-Alvin Toffler
The bridge of continuity spans the abyss of change.
-William Douglas Horden
In this world of change,
nothing which comes stays,
and nothing which goes is lost.
-Anne Sophie Swetchine
Loss is nothing else but change, 
and change is Nature's delight. 
-Marcus Aurelius
All is change;
all yields its place and goes.
All things change;
nothing perishes.
The essential doesn't change.
-Samuel Beckett
It is only form that changes,
not essence.
-Ram Dass